
Women in leadership

Iga Dolipska has been registered as a female CEO (prezeska) in The Warsaw National Court Register (KRS)

The Warsaw National Court Register (KRS) registers the position of female CEO (prezeska) in companies.

Here are some additional data regarding the situation of women:


  • According to a 2022 report by the Success Written with Lipstick Foundation, women account for about 6% of CEOs in the largest Polish publicly traded companies.
  • A 2021 study by Deloitte found that women occupy 15% of board seats in WIG20 companies.


  • Across Europe, women hold about 29% of board seats in publicly traded companies, according to the 2021 report by European Women on Boards (EWOB).
  • Norway, which introduced gender quotas for boards in 2008, has the highest percentage of women on boards, at about 40%.


  • The average global percentage of women on boards of publicly traded companies is about 23%, according to the 2020 MSCI report.
  • In the United States, women hold 28% of board seats in S&P 500 companies, according to the 2022 Catalyst report.

Benefits of Gender Diversity on Boards:Research shows that companies with more women on their boards often achieve better financial performance. According to a 2020 report by McKinsey & Company, companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on their boards are 25% more likely to have above-average profitability compared to companies in the bottom quartile.